Use our online booking system to reserve your space at our Hostel or in one of our Independent Eco-Cabins.
For a more personal touch, you may also contact us directly!


If your room of choice does not appear available, please hit the "Availability" button on the photo. It could be that your room is available on some nights but not others - and that another room might be available for the remaining nights. You can book yourself into different rooms for different dates by tapping the "Add to Booking" button before entering your personal details. If you need any help, don't hesitate to contact us at We'll try our best to come up with a solution for you!

Listed rates are based on a single-person occupancy. Please be sure to enter the correct number of guests in each room to determine the adjusted price. If you have entered multiple nights into your request the listed rate will be for the total of all nights.

Finally, if you are making a booking for a large group, or are a member of a large group making individual bookings, please see our Group Bookings Policy before proceeding. Thanks!

For your enjoyment, we have Kayaks and Canoes for rental.

PLEASE FOLLOW THESE STEPS: 1) Select your desired date range. 2) Choose your accommodation category (Independent Eco-Cabins, Bunkhouses... etc) and then select from available rooms. 

Searching Availability...
